Pencil Drawings

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Drawing With your Mind

Hello guys, I am new to Blogging hope I go through this smoothly without having any twists or jargon posts in my Blog. Alright having stated that, lets get started. drawing is fun,  I think you all know that, if you are visiting this page and you like to draw then you know what I am talking about. If you like to draw this is the place to check for tips and tricks for Art in general. Most of you must be wondering why I chose Pencil as my medium of Art. Well, Pencil is so forgiving when it comes to getting back and forth, I mean erasing and all that kind of thing. Just love the attention to putting detail on the paper with a tick of a pencil. Here are pictures I drew just to give you a glimpse of what I am talking about.

One thing I learned about drawing is that don't take it too serious or anxious to get results, the reason I say that is because  you might mess up. Drawing with your Mind simply means that, you have to premeditate the picture before you achieve the result. Plan the picture whether it is a method you are going to apply to get the structure ( outline ) perfectly done or you are going to use free hand drawing. Make sure you have all the pencils, eraser, divider, right paper or any other paper of choice you would like to use in your project. I also recommend to check out several tutorials online before you start your project, they are plenty of tutorials for beginners and advanced . Drawing is fun, so you must always remember to loosen up a little, don't panic and the most important is to enjoy the drawing, you be surprised how much you get drawn to your Art.  


It is funny how I draw this picture of hair above. It started as a total joke not until I realized I had a good picture to work on with good perspective and dimensions.Visible highlights, all those shades and contours. The most funny thing was I only had one pencil in my hand ( HB pencil ) and one eraser not even a kneaded eraser. In addition to that, I never even had a right paper to use. So I ended up using a printing paper of which it was staggering to achieve the right quality and texture on the drawing. Instead, I just went on and on enjoying the drawing . Simple things such as becoming less serious and having energy to just draw  makes a difference in Art.

The Drawing below was drawn on Strathmore Bristol vellum paper 9" by 12"and the pencils used were Faber Castell, 2H, HB, 2B and 4B